Thursday, November 10, 2011

Iranian Rock Band Fulfills Their Dream

Lesson Learned: 
     As Americans we are truly blessed to have the freedom to express ourselves. A thing such as simple as music is forbidden in Iran, and thankfully not stoping the citizens who are continuing to strive for their dreams not matter what. 

     An article from the New York Times written by Freya Peterson, revealed the life-long dream of a rock band named Hypernova, getting their moment in the spotlight at a bar in New York . They were extremely excited to exhume their music to American. Ramm, one the band members stated "It may not seem like much to you, but it's a dream to be here," coming from Iran in which hindered their progress as a musical group trying to make it big in a new area. Raam, one of the band members, made it clear that what they do in Iran is not as easy as it seems, having just a simple thing as performing lead to arrests, fines and even public flogging. Their love, rock music, was banned in Iran from the president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Hypernova jeopardizes their lives every show they play, some members even having to change their name so they aren’t recognized at home for taking part in something Iran disapproves of. This challenge doesn’t mask their progress, instead it makes the experience even more rewarding and worth it in the end. In Iran the kids are reaching out, trying to make political and social change by doing the things that normal kids do, being one of the main reasons that this band has fallen in love with rock. They speak little about what is happening in Iran, nonetheless letting their music do the talking for them. (Peterson 1)


     This article from the New York Times is a very reliable source. It shows the reader that the people in Iran are not just sitting around waiting for the government to change their minds about music in Iran. Instead, they are leaving their loved ones behind to have a better life in America, a place where they can express themselves through music and not be penalized for being artistic. The article within itself is a very good article, allowing the reader to feel the incentive to never give up their dreams due to the fact that kids around the world are dying to have a chance at what some would throw away. I wouldn’t know what I’d do if I was in the position of these boys, risking their lives for what they love to do. The article not only gives a glimpse into the lives of four very courageous boys, inspiring musicians in their positions to take a stand and show the world what they have in store.

Citation: Peterson, Freya. “Iranian Rock Band Has a New York Moment.” New York Times. 28 March 2007. Web. 8 November 2011.

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